(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)


Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal. It is one of the publications of the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), Egypt. JRCIET is published in English, French and German in January, April, July  and October.  It is issued both electronically and in paper forms. It accepts the publication of original high quality papers on both theoretical and empirical research in different areas of educational research related to curriculum, instruction and educational technology. In  order for serving  as a vehicle of expression for colleagues and/or for meeting university academic standards, or for promotion purpose, JRCIET  publishes dissertation abstracts (M.A & PhD) in addition to reports on symposiums, conferences and meetings held on topics related to  its main concerns previously referred to.
JRCIET links everyday concerns of teachers, researchers and practitioners with insights gained from relevant academic disciplines such as applied linguistics, education, psychology and sociology (interdisciplinary research). The scope of JRCIET is deliberately wide to cover research on the teaching and learning in different disciplines.  The primary aim of the JRCIET is to encourage research in curriculum planning, design, evaluation and development, teacher education, and approaches , methods, strategies, techniques and styles of teaching in the following disciplines: English, Arabic, French, German, Social studies, Science, Islamic studies, Mathematics, Agricultural sciences, Commercial sciences, Technical sciences, Home economics, Music, Physical education, Kindergarten, Any other related discipline, Educational technology, Special needs,Technical/vocational education.
JRCIET also encourages and dissiminates work which  establishes bridges between educational sciences and other disciplines within or outside educational context.
The views , the opinions and attitudes expressed in JRCIET are the contributors’ own positions, and not necessarily those of the Editor, Advisory Board, Editorial Panel, or the Publisher.

Contacts: : Publishing, subscribtion, and queries from customers should be sent to: Editor in Chief’s email: mahersabry2121@yahoo.com Mailing address: Prof. Dr. Maher Ismail Sabry, Ahmad Maher Street, from Alsharawy Street, Atreeb, Banha, Egypt. Telefax: 0020133188442