(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)

Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors
Preparation of Manuscripts
JRCIET welcomes manuscripts in English, French and German. Manuscripts should be written in a concise and straightforward style. Authors are advised to have their manuscript proofread before final submission. A manuscript should not exceed 25 pages following JRCIET’s formatting system (see section on formatting the manuscript). Submitted manuscripts should be written according to the APA style (for a brief manual of the APA style, consult the Association of Arab Educators’ website on http://www.aaeducators.org/  )
Manuscript Formatting
The following formats should be followed: Title: Font (Times New Roman), Size 16 + bold, Heading 1: Font (Times New Roman), Size 14 +bold., Heading 2: Font (Times New Roman), Size 14 +bold+ italics, Heading 3: Font (Times New Roman), Size 14 +bold+ italics + indentation., Left margin = 2.5 cm, Right margin = 2.5 cm, Upper margin = 3 cm, Lower margin = 3 cm, Authors should use 1.5 space between lines and a double space between paragraphs.
Components of the research/article manuscript
Three copies of the research/article should be submitted. The manuscript should be typed, double-spaced on a A4 paper, on one side of the paper only. A cover page  should contain only the research title, name(s) of author(s) and institutional affiliations on a separate page in order to preserve author anonymity on submission of the research/article to refrees. An abstract not exceeding 200 words should be included on a separate sheet of paper. The main components of the the research/article are Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion(s), Acknowledgements (if any), and References. Diagrams and Figures if they are considered essential, should be clearly related to the section of the text  to which they refer. The original diagrams and figures should be submitted with the manuscript.
Footnotes should be avoided. Essential notes should be numbered in the text and grouped together at the end of  the research/article.
Research Title
The title should accurately reflect the focus and content of the research. The title  should be brief and grammatically correct. Titles do not normally include numbers, acronyms, abbreviations or punctuation. They should include sufficient detail for indexing purposes but be general enough for readers outside the field to appreciate what the paper is about. The title should be no more than 14 words in length.
Authors’ names and institutional affiliations
This should include the full authors’ names, affiliations  (Department, Institution, City, Country), and email addresses for all authors.
Abstract and Keywords
The abstract should be comprehensive and concise and not exceeding 200 words in length followed by 5-7 carefully chosen keywords . It should be structured to give the purpose of the study, main procedures including sample and instruments, main findings of the study, conclusion(s) reached and their significance. Citations and specialist abbreviations are to be avoided..
Authors should provide a brief literature survey avoiding citing literature over ten years old, unless absolutely necessary, background to the study, hypotheses and the significance of the research.
The experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail. Description of the participants, instruments and experimental design is necessary and should be detailed where possible.
This section should provide details of the results that are required to support the conclusion(s) of the paper. The section may be divided into subsections, each with a concise subheading.
This section should present a comprehensive analysis of the results in light of prior literature. Discussion may also be combined with results.
The conclusion section should bring out the significance of the research paper, show how the author(s) have brought closure to the research problem, and point out some remaining research  gaps by suggesting issues for further research.
Acknowledgements (if any) 
The author(s) should first acknowledge the source of funding followed by acknowledgement of any support or help.
References should be written according to the APA style (6th edition). (See AAE website) 
Submission can be made via e-mail to the editor-in-chief or deputy editor in chief and chair of the  Association of Arab Educators (e.mail: mahersabry2121@yahoo.com)

Contacts: : Publishing, subscribtion, and queries from customers should be sent to: Editor in Chief’s email: mahersabry2121@yahoo.com Mailing address: Prof. Dr. Maher Ismail Sabry, Ahmad Maher Street, from Alsharawy Street, Atreeb, Banha, Egypt. Telefax: 0020133188442