(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)

Vol .1 , No. 1 January, 2015

Vol .1 , No. 1 January, 2015
    "Un programme proposé basé sur l'apprentissage réflexif pour développer quelques compétences de l'enseignement chez les futurs enseignants de F.L.E."

    "Teachers’ Dual Vision from a Culturally Bound Angle: Student- teachers’ Voices."

    "The Effect of Learning Environment on College Undergraduates' Computer-Assisted Language Learning Achievement and Attitudes."

    "Making It 'Authentic': Egyptian EFL Student Teachers' Awareness and Use of Online Authentic Language Materials and Their Learning Motivation."

    "Effet de l'emploi de Stratégies Métacognitives d'apprentissage Sur le développement de la performance écrite creative."

   "The Effectiveness of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) in Developing EFL Students’ Oral -Micro Communicative Skills."

            To see the full texts
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