(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)

Vol .2 , No. 3 July, 2016

Vol .2 , No. 3 July, 2016  
    "A Suggested Science Curriculum for Hearing Impaired Primary Stage Students Based on Their Needs to Develop Their Preventive Awareness."

    "The effect of a blended learning program using Schoology LMS on developing EFL preservice teachers’ teaching knowledge and reducing their writing anxiety."

    "The Effects of the Frequency of Lexical Errors on the Quality of EFL Learners’ Writing Through Email Communication."

    "Teaching Unplugged: Does it have the Potential to Improve EFL Students’ Speaking skills in a Writing Class?"

    "A Meta-analysis for Results of Research on Virtual Classrooms’ Use and Utilization."

   "Collaborative Learning Based on Tools of Web 2.0 and Its Effect on Developing Hypermedia Design and Production Skills among Faculty of Education Students According to Their Learning Styles."
   "Descriptive study to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and self- efficacy among a sample of female students at King- Abdulaziz University."

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