(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)

Vol .2 , No. 4 October, 2016

Vol .2 , No. 4 October, 2016
    "The Effect of Some Brain- Based Learning Strategies on Developing Journal Writing of English Majors in Basic Education at Faculty of Education."

    "Developing the Chemistry Curriculum in Light of Requirements of Comprehensive Development of Egyptian Society and its Effectiveness in Developing Secondary Stage Students’ Achievement and Appreciation Aspects."

    "Facebook hiring in achievement knowledge and skills In the basics of information systems to the students of the Division of Computer Science."

    "Can Collaborative Learning Maximize the Effectiveness of Web Quest Used in Learning Educational Psychology at Al Majmaa University?"

    "An Interpretive Inquiry into the Integration of the Information and Communication Technology Tools in TEFL at Egyptian Universities."

   "Towards EFL Reactive Teaching: From Lesson Plan pro Forma to Affordance-based Planning."

   "Programme Proposé à la Lueur de l’Approche Interculturelle pour Développer les Habiletés de la Rédaction de la Dissertation Littéraire et les Traits de la Culture Littéraire chez les apprenants de Département de Français."

 To see the full texts                                     
Contacts: : Publishing, subscribtion, and queries from customers should be sent to: Editor in Chief’s email: mahersabry2121@yahoo.com Mailing address: Prof. Dr. Maher Ismail Sabry, Ahmad Maher Street, from Alsharawy Street, Atreeb, Banha, Egypt. Telefax: 0020133188442