(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)

Vol .2 , No. 2 April, 2016

Vol .2 , No. 2 April, 2016
    "Examining the influence of online reflection mode (Individual vs. Collaborative) on deep learning
    of pre-service female teachers about Technological and Pedagogical Knowledge."

    "Designing and Validating an English Speaking General Proficiency E-Test."

    "The Effect of Self-Regulatory Strategies in Enhancing Listening Skills and Self-Efficacy of EFL Learners."

    "The Employment of Quest Strategy Over The Web In The Development of The Awareness of Political Values For Students of Social Sciences At The Secondary Stage."

    "Factors Impact University Faculty’s Attitudes Toward The Gifted."

   "L’effet de la stratégie des groupes de révision rédactionnelle (GRÉRÉ) sur la correction des erreurs de la traduction d’arabe vers le français auprès  des futurs-enseignants du FLE, Faculté de pédagogie, Université de Hélouân."
   "Développement Des Performances De La Communication Orale En Classe Chez Les Étudiants Stagiaires De La Section De Français Faculté De Pédagogie À Travers L’enseignement Réflexif."

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Contacts: : Publishing, subscribtion, and queries from customers should be sent to: Editor in Chief’s email: mahersabry2121@yahoo.com Mailing address: Prof. Dr. Maher Ismail Sabry, Ahmad Maher Street, from Alsharawy Street, Atreeb, Banha, Egypt. Telefax: 0020133188442