(JRCIET) is a regional quarterly refereed educational journal, Sponsored by the Association of Arab Educators (AAE), ISSN: 2356-9107

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Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology (JRCIET)

Vol .1 , No. 2 April, 2015

Vol .1 , No. 2 April, 2015
    "Dreidimensionales Drucken im Bildungsprozess."

    "The Effect of Wikifolios on Developing Secondary Stage Students’ EFL Writing Skills."

    "The Effectiveness of Using Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in Developing ESP Learners’ Some English Writing Sub-Skills."

    "Engagement: A Path to Better EFL Learning."

    "The Role of National Conversation Forums (NCFs) in Developing Critical Speaking Skills of EFL University Students."

   "Students’ Perceptions of Integrating Social Networking Sites in Language Learning: Benefits and Challenges."

 To see the full texts          

Contacts: : Publishing, subscribtion, and queries from customers should be sent to: Editor in Chief’s email: mahersabry2121@yahoo.com Mailing address: Prof. Dr. Maher Ismail Sabry, Ahmad Maher Street, from Alsharawy Street, Atreeb, Banha, Egypt. Telefax: 0020133188442